5 things to know about Bach


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is considered the quintessential German composer of the Baroque era and one of the most important figures in classical music

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is considered the quintessential German composer of the Baroque era and one of the most important figures in classical music.

1. He never left his provincial corner of Germany

Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach, Thuringia, Germany. His entire career was spent in this contracted area that is smaller than most of the States in America.

2. He was at the center of musical dynasty

Bach was the father of 20 children. He was married twice. Of his six sons, only one didn't become a professional musician.

3. He spent 30 days in jail

When Bach resigned his job as a chamber musician in the court of the Duke of Saxe-Weimar and joined a rival court, the duke jailed him for four weeks.

4. He wrote an amazing coffee jingle

Bach loved coffee enough to write a song about it: "Schweight stille, plaudert nicht" ("Be still, stop chattering"). The song is about a coffee-obsessed woman whose father wants her to stop.

5. A botched eye surgery blinded him

When he was 65, he had eye surgery that gave him his full eyesight for a short period before he became totally blind.