5 Easy Pieces for Violin Beginners
18 de septiembre de 2019
In this article, we've curated some songs for violin beginners, that are simple to read and play. Find these pieces on the Metronaut App simplified for beginners
5 Easy Tips to Find Time to Practice your Instrument
7 de septiembre de 2019
A common question for amateur musicians is: How to find time to practice? Lack of time is one of the main reasons for quitting music, so here are some tips to help
10 Most Famous Opera Arias (part 2)
26 de agosto de 2019
After an overview of 5 essential opera arias, discover the 5 last pieces of our selection that are appreciated worldwide and that you have probably already heard
10 Most Famous Opera Arias (part 1)
13 de agosto de 2019
Recently, you discovered 10 of Mozart masterpieces. Let's now explore his most famous opera arias, including pieces sung and whistled by people around the world
5 Easy Steps to Relearn your Childhood Instrument
4 de agosto de 2019
In this article, we will give you some tips to reconnect with your childhood instrument without pressure and start playing again
10 of Mozart’s Essential Pieces (part 2)
15 de julio de 2019
In a first article, you discovered five of Mozart’s essential pieces. Here are the latest pieces we selected to continue this exploration of Mozart's greatest hits
10 Piezas Esenciales de Mozart (Parte 1)
14 de julio de 2019
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart es uno de los compositores más famosos de la era clásica, con más de 600 obras compuestas. Hemos seleccionado 10 de las piezas imprescindibles de Mozart.